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What’s So Great About Colonic?

What’s So Great About Colonic

For those who have not experienced a colonic, many will wonder about the effectiveness of the treatment. Yes, they understand that a colonic will help relieve constipation and help alleviate the unwanted effects of medications on the bowels. Otherwise, what’s so great about colonic?

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Effects of Colon Hydrotherapy on the Gut

Effects of Colon Hydrotherapy on the Gut

Your gut does more than process food. It also has an effect on the emotional center of your brain. That is not surprising when you remember the times when your gut was not right and that affected your emotional state. This is why it is important to understand the effects of colon hydrotherapy on the gut.

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Happy Valentine’s Day!

Valentine's Day Special

We offer love to our customers. And in return, we receive the finest smiles. And even if we cannot return their affection, at least we can offer a colonic.
Here is the perfect gift for your loved one…

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What to Expect after Colon Hydrotherapy?

What to Expect after Colon Hydrotherapy

It’s natural to ask what to expect after colon hydrotherapy when you have never been through the procedure before. Understanding what happens afterwards will help prepare you for certain conditions that might occur. However, keep in mind that in most cases what happens after colon hydrotherapy is not much at all.

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Colon Cleanse: What You Need to Know

Colon Cleanse: What You Need to Know

The benefits of getting a colon cleanse are fairly well known. After all, this is a technique which has been used for centuries in one form or another. However, the basic principles which were developed long ago are still in place. Except today modern machines are used to perform the cleanse with precision. Before you decide on whether to have a colon cleanse, it pays to know what it is, what it can do, and why it is important.

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Colonic Seattle: What You Need to Know

For many people today, taking preventive steps to head off potential health concerns is a priority. One of the most common procedures people undergo today is a colonoscopy, where the goal is to make sure the colon is free of any signs of cancer. However, before undergoing the procedure patients are required to cleanse their colon of any waste it may contain. One of the safest and most effective ways to enhance wellness, detoxify your body and if necessary prepare for a colonoscopy is by using colon hydrotherapy, also known as a colonic.

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