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How to Prepare for Your First Colonic

How to Prepare for Your First Colonic

For those who have yet to experience a colonic or colon cleanse, there might be some trepidation. First, it is typical that any new experience will cause some hesitation. But you must consider the advantages of having a colonic performed.

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Top Reasons to Consider Colon Hydrotherapy

Top Reasons to Consider Colon Hydrotherapy

Good digestion starts with a properly functioning bowel. When your colon has too much waste material, it makes you feel sluggish and has a definite effect on your health and wellbeing. While a change in diet, drinking more water, and proper exercise can help, for those suffering from such symptoms here are the top reasons to consider colon hydrotherapy.

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Overlooked Benefits of Colon Cleansing

A healthy woman discovers the benefits of colon cleansing

Although the obvious benefits of colon cleansing involve the colon itself, you may be surprised to the effect it has on the entire body. The most associated benefits of colon cleansing include the following…

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Immune System and Colon Hydrotherapy

Doctor showing immune system correlation with colonic hydrotherapy

At first, it may seem that there is no connection between the immune system and colon hydrotherapy. After all, what does the intestinal tract have to do with fighting viruses, fungi and bacteria?

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Amazing Health Benefits of Detoxing Your Body & Mind

Amazing Health Benefits of Detoxing Your Body & Mind

The modern world is full of toxins that people are exposed to all the time. Our brains and bodies have been hijacked by the food and sugar industry. Therefore, it is crucial that you detox your body & mind on a regular basis. There are many different ways to detox, including fasting, taking herbs and changing your diet. No matter how you do it, there are many benefits to detoxing your body & mind.

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Does Colon Cleansing Boost the Immune System?

Does Colon Cleansing Boost the Immune System

Colon cleansing does provide several measurable benefits to the body. For millions of people who undergo a colon cleanse, they not only feel better, but experience some of the benefits that it provides. But does colon cleansing boost the immune system? That is a good question many people ask when undergoing the procedure.

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