How to Prepare for Your First Colonic

For those who have yet to experience a colonic or colon cleanse, there might be some trepidation. First, it is typical that any new experience will cause some hesitation. But you must consider the advantages of having a colonic performed.

So, how do you prepare your body for a colon cleanse? The answer consists of a series of simple steps that you can perform before having the cleanse. By doing this in the days before your colonic, you can prepare your body and mind the right way.

Drink More Water

Perhaps the most important way to prepare for a colonic is to properly hydrate your body. This means drinking plenty of water in the days leading up to the colon cleanse. In addition, you’ll want to avoid beverages that contain alcohol or caffeine as they can dehydrate your body.

If drinking all that water seems like too much, then add bone broth to your diet. Perhaps hot water mixed with crushed lemons or cinnamon sticks. Herbal teas can be a good choice as well if they do not contain any caffeine.

More Vegetables

A combination of raw and cooked vegetables should make up half of your plate for every meal in the days before your colonic. Eating plenty of vegetables will reduce bloating and make digestion easier. The result is that your colonic will have a greater effect. Salad leaves and green vegetables are the more desirable.

Fresh fruits and vegetables on wooden table, preparation for first colon cleansing

If you do not want to add that many vegetables, then drink vegetable juice. By adding a single glass to every meal, you can help make up for the lack of vegetables on your plate.

Reduce Processed Foods

Processed foods, particularly those with sugars and artificial sweeteners tend to build up inert materials in the colon. In addition, they have no nutritional value, so they are not doing you any good being there. Some of the processed and other foods you should avoid include the following:

  • Legumes: While beans are quite healthy, they often cause gas buildup
  • Carbonated Drinks and Microwave Meals
  • Fast Food and Refined Flour

The Day Before

If your hydrotherapy session is scheduled for the morning, it’s best to skip breakfast. A full stomach can hinder the benefits of the therapy, so plan accordingly.

We recommend not eating for at least two hours before your session. This allows your body to be in an optimal state for the therapy, ensuring you feel light and comfortable throughout.

Avoid consuming red meat on the day of your session as well as the day before. Red meat can be heavy and take longer to digest, which might interfere with the effectiveness of the hydrotherapy.

Take It Easy

Stress is one of the leading causes of irregularity and digestive issues. If you are suffering from stress, find methods to deal with it such as deep breathing exercises. This will help you relax and make the colonic experience that much easier.

Woman meditating at home before first colon cleansing

In addition, you’ll want to avoid using laxatives in the days running up to your colon cleanse. This includes natural and herbal laxatives. While it may seem counterintuitive, the goal of the colonic is to restore the body’s natural regularity. If you are having difficulty in that regard, then add some magnesium citrate supplements to your meals which will help create better regularity.

Understanding the concept of how do you prepare your body for a colon cleanse means you can relax and enjoy the experience. For those who have never had a colonic before, the experience itself can be a turning point in terms of your overall health and wellbeing. Always look upon the experience as a positive one so you get the most out of it.

Visit or call European Rejuvenation Center for more information: (425) 746-6100

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